WorkOutLoud Innovation Nation




Suggested vs. My vs. All Groups

There are three categories of Groups within your WorkOutLoud platform. Suggested Groups, My Groups and All Groups. Suggested Groups utilize the SuggestionEngineTM based on your answers for the extended profile, groups are suggested for you. My Groups are groups that you are an admin of or groups that you are following. All Groups is the listing of all groups within the community.

Follow Groups

Following groups is subscribing you to receive notifications from that group and the users involved. Simply find the group you wish to subscribe to, and select the + Follow button.

Create a Group

Creating a group is simple, and quick. When in the groups tab on the left side menu, you’ll see a New Group + button, select that and follow the steps to create your group.

Post to Group, Ask a Question, Add a Poll

Posting to a group is simple, you can start a conversation, ask a question or add a poll. When beginning a conversation, you can use attributes to tag others, hashtags to add to a category, emoji’s or files. When asking a question, you’re able to turn voting/ranking on or off as well as categorizing the question. Categorizing the question automatically adds your question to the Community Forums. When starting a poll you enter the question and available answers along with a description. The data from this poll is not accessible, but increases engagements and awareness.

Favorite a Group

While viewing the groups, you will see a heart icon to the left of the follow/unfollow button. By selecting the Favorite heart this group is now on your Favorites Bar. When you Favorite a group, it allows you to easily access that group from the Favorites Bar at all times.

Sharing a Group

Groups can be shared using the unique URL found in your browser. They can also be shared using the social share button which is directly above the group feed.

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